Lyrics Lily M'Lady

"Lily M'Lady" (U.S. B-side; may not have been released in the U.K.)

Lily M'Lady
No lady would do what you've done.
Lily M'Lady
What victory you think you have won?

High in society, my, how you've grown.
Yes, you've got it all but you're all alone.
How do you get a good man to marry you?
To say you'll carry his son?
Lily M'Lady, no lady would do what you've done.

Lily M'Lady
Now doesn't it make you feel sad?
Knowing you lost the one true love that you could've had?

He was so handsome and you were adored,
But yours was a love he could not afford.
Why would a pretty lady prefer to take
the crumbs when she had the cake?

Lily M'Lady
No lady would do what you've done.

(Instrumental interlude)

Lily M'Lady
No lady would do what you've done.
Lily M'Lady
Your troubles have only begun.

He knows the truth and to hide it he'll try,
But how long can anyone never lie?
Oh, if you only knew what you know today,
From life you wouldn't have run.

Lily M'Lady
No lady would do what you've done.